Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Tag: english-subtitles

  • Fashion ni rida pehno cho! Ghar si nikli jaw!

    Fashion ni rida pehno cho! Ghar si nikli jaw!

    Mufaddal Saifuddin accuses women of wearing “fashion ni rida”, and advises men to kick them out of their homes if they continue do so. And then he falsely attributes this from kalaam of Ameerul Mumineen.

  • Desi khala aj hoi!

    Desi khala aj hoi!

    Mufaddal Saifuddin talking about the importance of Desi toilets, regardless of what science and Doctors may say. After this superb bayaan, Mufaddal Saifuddin sent his representatives all around India, on a mission to destroy English toilets. Accompanied by their aide, they would enter the khala, smash the hammer on the porcelain structure (sometimes needing assistance…

  • Pachi to su su thai jai! (part 2)

    Pachi to su su thai jai! (part 2)

    Mufaddal Saifuddin blames call centers, and “fashion”, and media, and science… for women going out and having unmarried sex.

  • Mansoos of Dr. Moiz

    Mansoos of Dr. Moiz

    ACTIVE LINKS https://fatemi.app/doc https://rumble.com/v4ssjuw-the-syedna-case-the-dawoodi-bohra-succession-conspiracy.html https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nhO_VdfgpU74h2shGWFz7CUmFJxpImZm/view https://twitter.com/FatemiDawat/status/1786703110507037165 ORIGINAL POST Bombshell video released by Fatemi Dawat people, which show shocking details of how far Mufaddal Saifuddin and his people went to stage the nass drama. As suspected, there was no real nass, it was all made-up with the main conspirators being Dr Moiz and his son Abdul…

  • FGM


    Mufaddal Saifuddin supports FGM, a barbaric practice on non-consenting minor girls. In this clip, he is saying it should be done, secretly and even against local laws if necessary. This stirred such a controversy that local jamaats in Western countries were forced to issue “resolutions” stating that this practice is illegal and anybody doing it…