Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Jiwa ehna Maula, tiwa ehna Amil (4)

Amil inviting BJP politician into masjid and making the crowd chant for Modi. Is this a Dawat majlis or a political rally?


3 responses to “Jiwa ehna Maula, tiwa ehna Amil (4)”

  1. Anonymous

    MS, a figure of prepared speech,
    Knowledge for him is completely out of reach.
    Parroting others, no thoughts his own,
    Independent thinking remains unknown.

    In luxury’s lap, he’s lost his way,
    Private jets and luxury cars fill up each passing day.
    High ziyafat fees raise eyebrows high,
    Corruption’s whisper, a troubling cry.

    A decade in power, yet nothing said,
    No real policies born, no visions spread.
    MS stands empty, a hollow shell,
    Of leadership qualities, none to tell.

    His words rehearsed, his thoughts not clear,
    A leader in title, but substance not near.
    Ten years have passed, no mark they’ve made,
    A legacy destined to quickly fade.

    1. Anonymous

      write some thing on your own not from chatgpt

    2. Anonymous

      Mufaddal Saifuddin is running a kleptocracy.

      A kleptocracy in the Dawoodi Bohra context is a system where the leadership exploits their position for personal gain, at the expense of the community members. The religious and administrative leaders of the Dawoodi Bohra community, particularly the Da’i al-Mutlaq (the spiritual leader) and his appointed representatives, use their authority to:

      1. Collect excessive religious taxes or donations from community members.
      2. Control business opportunities within the community, favoring those who provide kickbacks or personal benefits.
      3. Misappropriate funds meant for community development or welfare programs.
      4. Manipulate religious doctrines or practices to maintain power and accumulate wealth.
      5. Enforce strict loyalty and obedience from followers, possibly through social or economic pressure.
      6. Control information flow within the community to prevent criticism or exposure of corrupt practices.
      7. Use the community’s resources for personal luxuries or to enrich family members and close associates.

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