Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Tamacho bhi shafaqat no

Mufaddal Saifuddin’s younger brother, Idris Badruddin, says in a speech that even if you slap a fellow mumin in attempting to bring them to majlis, since it’s from the “heart”, it will be seen as shafaqat.

Funnily enough, during the speech, he cannot recall and asks his other brother, Qaid Joher Ezzuddin, how the saying goes. And Ezzuddin does not seem too happy to be woken up from his nap.


3 responses to “Tamacho bhi shafaqat no”

  1. Maad Bhai

    Hah, “iron fist in a velvet glove”? More like “controlling jerk in a flimsy white disguise.” How about we ditch the coercive mind games and just communicate like adults?

    This whole tactic is just a power trip for insecure bullies who resort to creepy, passive-aggressive manipulation.

    But hey, if that’s your thing, rock on with your bad self, oh master of faux benevolence!

  2. Anonymous

    If you truly educate people about Islam and Panjaten you don’t need to slap them to come. they will come crawling in love for IMAM HUSSAIN.

    but the fact is these waezs are less about panjatan and more about self praise.

  3. Anonymous

    chalo bhai mai tamne tamacho aapwa tayaar cho

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