Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Haq su che?

10 year old video, exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin’s fake claim to Dai. Just as relevant today.


31 responses to “Haq su che?”

  1. OMG…..What a FOOL i have being, the true 53 Dai is not Khozema Qubbuddin nor Muffaddal Saifuddin but someone called Sheikh Mohammad.
    Now i have to find this Sheikh Mohammad and give Mithaq and modify all songs like Ghano Jivo Ghano Sheikh Mohammad TUS.

    Maybe because of all this Lafda going on in the family SMB did naas on Baatin Dai called Sheikh Mohammad who is stay in Purda until Qayamat.

    1. Lmao

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