Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Ashara celebrations?

Fireworks in Karachi after Ashara announcement. This is the state of things since Mufaddal Saifuddin and his administration have started the Ashara race. Forget Husain Imam’s shahadat, the people are celebrating that their city has “won”.


7 responses to “Ashara celebrations?”

  1. I think its useless to blame muffy for every thing. these bohras have no brain? they cant decide some thing on their own? they don’t know where to celebrate and where not?

    unless people use their brain politicians or leaders like muffy and taher will keep exploiting.

    1. Anonymous

      Actually Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has not made ashara like this. He kept it for its actual purpose- Remembrance of Imam Husain AS sacrifice. Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS does not practice things like muffin where he gives “raza” for people to attend ashara after making the announcement of the place- similar to an auction. Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS chooses the place so it’s easier for mumineen to attend, he also has publicly live streamed the waazes so mumineen who couldn’t attend can still obtain barakat.

      1. Bhai dont fools us this auctioning and tamsha started long back when SMB was alive and late mazzoon sahab was also there. no one stopped any thing.

        Taher bhai has no option but thane thats why he is sitting quietly or else he would do the same.

        please done delete my comment keep it here for others to read and decide by their own, few of my comment got deleted here yesterday.

        1. Anonymous

          I hope the owner of this website isn’t deleting comments that disagree with their beliefs, would defeat the whole purpose of this place

      2. You left one cult for another. They are all cults both Dawoodi and Fatemi Bohra. Whether you accept it or not.

        1. Anonymous

          Very much agree

  2. bhaijan

    it has become a bidding war like the Olympic games. So much money involved. No wonder people are celebrating…forget about any ghum of Imam Husain

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