Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Matam practice

Yesterday, we posted on crying lessons. Today, it’s matam practice – but of course – with Mufaddal Saifuddin’s personal twist: taking a break in between to scream.


5 responses to “Matam practice”

  1. Anonymous

    on this blessed day of Eid 1445 let’s pray that Allah TA guides these fellows who used to be our brothers. insha’Allah by next Eid everyone will be praying behind the true Dai of Allah, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin, May Allah TA prolong his life to Youm Al Qiyammah and keep him in the best of health. Ameen.

    Lets pray that muffin followers can actually open their eyes and see the real noor.

    because as the years go by, they are changing the deen and changing the meaning behind why we do our most basic but important actions, like namaaz, roza, hajj, mataam etc. May Allah TA guide them to the rightful path.

    Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Zindabaad

    1. Anonymous

      Why do you say STF is the true dai?

      Like any solid arguments?

      1. Anonymous

        Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA was appointed as Mazoon by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. In a kitaab written by a previous Duat it states mazoon never lies; thus since SMB RA appointed SKQRA, Syedna qutbuddin would always speak the truth. Then SKQ RA appointed STF TUS
        hope it helps

    2. Anonymous

      Bro left one cult for another

    3. Anonymous

      Theyre two sides of the same coin. The ismaili part of shiism is messed up. Id rather die than go back to ismailism

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