Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Who is really running the show? (2)

Here is another brief candid moment, showing behind the scene dynamics. Mufaddal Saifuddin gets off a plane where his elder brother Qaid Joher Ezzuddin is waiting to receive him. Mufaddal, upon first seeing him, bends down with tasleem to do salaam. Qaid Joher then recovers the situation by going down further.


2 responses to “Who is really running the show? (2)”

  1. MS has been bending in respect for his father for almost 60 years of his life, suddenly he is the biggest of all, but how can your lose your habits of 60 years of bending, that’s what happens all the time when MS meets any dignitary over seas. he forgets that he is now in highest position in community.

  2. Beep Boom

    Can you repost, the video isn’t working

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