Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Corona treatment (2)

Another one from the pandemic days. Mufaddal Saifuddin sits in his secluded Khandala home, while Mumineen (including elderly who are unable to walk) are forced to crowd in masjids just to get a glimpse of their beloved leader.


4 responses to “Corona treatment (2)”

  1. Anonymous

    Oh Muffin, Muffin, in your gilded hall,
    When the world was burning, you stood tall,
    In your castle, so grand, so fine,
    Funded by pockets that should be mine.

    The virus swept, the world in dread,
    Yet you reclined, in luxury spread,
    While the old and frail, they made the call,
    To see you on Zoom, you sat through it all.

    Muffin, Muffin, not a finger you’d raise,
    Content in your wealth, basking in praise,
    Unjust gains, the people’s plight,
    You thrived in shadows, far from the fight.

    A leader you claim, but actions betray,
    In times of crisis, you shy away,
    No courage, no heart, no guiding hand,
    Just empty words from a hollow man.

    The elders, the weak, they hoped for more,
    Yet found a figurehead, rotten to the core,
    Muffin, Muffin, in your silken lair,
    True leadership needs more than air.

    So here’s to you, in your tower so high,
    May truth shine through every lie,
    For justice waits, and history sees,
    Muffin’s reign brought to its knees.

    Oh Muffin, Muffin, in your lofty tower,
    With words so sweet, you wield your power,
    You preach and command, with a velvet voice,
    But your deeds reveal a darker choice.

    You brainwash souls to bend and bow,
    To cook your rotis, in endless rows now,
    Their hands wearied, their spirits drained,
    Yet in your comfort, you remain unstained.

    The people you claim, you lead with pride,
    But truth be told, you stand aside,
    Their struggles, their pain, you dismiss with ease,
    A heart of stone, in times like these.

    Muffin, Muffin, can you not see?
    Leadership demands sincerity,
    Not just luxury and empty praise,
    But to serve the people through all their days.

    You feast on wealth unjustly gained,
    While those you lead are bound and chained,
    Toiling away under your command,
    It’s time to surrender, and take a stand.

    Step down, Muffin, let justice shine,
    Let true leaders emerge, with hearts divine,
    For your reign of comfort, built on lies,
    Must end now, as the people’s cries rise.

    Oh Muffin, Muffin, hear this plea,
    Release the grip, set the people free,
    For in unity and honest endeavor,
    A brighter future we’ll build, together.

  2. Anonymous

    Oh Syedna Muffadal, beacon of faith’s grand lore,
    Witness how swiftly Narendra’s star did die.
    He, the strongman with landslide dreams,
    Now dimmed by the fickle light.

    Remember, Syedna, the winds of fate,
    They shift, they turn, they oscillate.
    One day revered, the next, forlorn,
    Like Modi, from the throne, you could be torn.

    Your dais shines with divine grace,
    Yet your claim’s dark-shadowed, far from truth’s embrace.
    Power’s transient, don’t you see?
    As fleeting as your friend Modi’s legacy.

  3. Huzaifa

    Yes i remember all this, I am so proud I never took part in this madness ever……so proud I don’t belong from summun bukmun umyun clan.


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