Exposing Mufaddal Saifuddin's fraud & corruption

Syedna Burhanuddin ni behurmati (part 2)

Unfortunately, following up to an earlier post, here is yet another instance of abuse Mufaddal Saifuddin inflicted on his father in the post-stroke years. Here is an instance where he sat on the takht together and tried to hold his hand, at which point Syedna Burhanuddin was clearly frustrated and pushed him away.


2 responses to “Syedna Burhanuddin ni behurmati (part 2)”

  1. Anonymous

    I feel soo soo bad, this could have been ended very well if SMB would have declared his successor well advanced and well documented and in public. SMB would not have faced soo much in old days by his son and his team.

  2. Maad Bhai

    Hah, “iron fist in a velvet glove”? More like “controlling jerk in a flimsy white disguise.” How about we ditch the coercive mind games and just communicate like adults?

    This whole tactic is just a power trip for insecure bullies who resort to creepy, passive-aggressive manipulation.

    But hey, if that’s your thing, rock on with your bad self, oh master of faux benevolence!

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